DefaultController :: NavigationSocialIconAction
GET Parameters
Key | Value |
_path | "_locale=en&_format=html&_controller=App%5CController%5CDefaultController%3A%3ANavigationSocialIconAction" |
POST Parameters
No POST parameters
Uploaded Files
No files were uploaded
Request Attributes
Key | Value |
_controller | "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" |
_editmode | false |
_event_controller | App\Controller\DefaultController {#2524 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2525 …} } |
_format | "html" |
_locale | "en" |
_pimcore_context | "default" |
_stopwatch_token | "d23974" |
contentDocument | Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#2585 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722348025 #path: "/en/includes/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2487 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "4" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "footer" : "4" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2492 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "language" : "en" : "text" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2493 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2494 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2495 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } ] #id: 5 #creationDate: 1713512324 #modificationDate: 1722348025 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "socialIcon" #index: 1 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" #template: null #editables: [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2654 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock" #realName: "footerLinkSocialBlock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] : 0 } "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2652 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2666 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2632 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2633 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &12 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &12 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #scheduledTasks: null : null : 1722348025 : "/en/includes/" : [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2487} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2492} "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2493} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2494} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2495} ] : 5 : 1713512324 : 1722348025 : 19 : 2 : null : 2 : 3 : null : false : [] : null : "snippet" : "socialIcon" : 1 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" : null : [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2654} "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2652} "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2666} "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2632} "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2633} ] : null : null : null : true : null : null : null : [] : null } |
document | Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#2585 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722348025 #path: "/en/includes/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2487 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "4" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "footer" : "4" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2492 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "language" : "en" : "text" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2493 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2494 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2495 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } ] #id: 5 #creationDate: 1713512324 #modificationDate: 1722348025 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "socialIcon" #index: 1 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" #template: null #editables: [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2654 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock" #realName: "footerLinkSocialBlock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] : 0 } "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2652 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2666 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2632 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2633 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2278} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &12 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &12 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #scheduledTasks: null : null : 1722348025 : "/en/includes/" : [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2487} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2492} "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2493} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2494} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2495} ] : 5 : 1713512324 : 1722348025 : 19 : 2 : null : 2 : 3 : null : false : [] : null : "snippet" : "socialIcon" : 1 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" : null : [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2654} "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2652} "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2666} "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2632} "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2633} ] : null : null : null : true : null : null : null : [] : null } |
Request Headers
Header | Value |
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Request Content
Request content not available (it was retrieved as a resource).
Response Headers
Header | Value |
cache-control | "no-cache, private" |
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x-debug-token | "6fa1fd" |
Request Cookies
No request cookies
Response Cookies
No response cookies
Session Metadata
No session metadata
Session Attributes
No session attributes
Session Usage
Stateless check enabled
Session not used.
No flash messages were created.
Server Parameters
Server Parameters
Defined in .env
Key | Value |
APP_ENV | "dev" |
DATABASE_HOST | "localhost" |
DATABASE_NAME | "goodyCrp_web" |
DATABASE_PASSWORD | "Centric@123" |
DATABASE_PORT | "3306" |
DATABASE_USER | "goodyCrp_web" |
Defined as regular env variables
Key | Value |
APP_DEBUG | "1" |
CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | "/var/www/vhosts/" |
DOCUMENT_ROOT | "/var/www/vhosts/" |
HOME | "/var/www/vhosts/" |
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PATH | "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" |
PATH_INFO | "" |
PHP_SELF | "/index.php" |
QUERY_STRING | "_path=_locale%3Den%26_format%3Dhtml%26_controller%3DApp%255CController%255CDefaultController%253A%253ANavigationSocialIconAction" |
REDIRECT_URL | "/en/privacy-policy" |
REMOTE_PORT | "47468" |
REQUEST_SCHEME | "https" |
REQUEST_TIME | 1741962620 |
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT | 1741962620.1053 |
REQUEST_URI | "/_fragment?_path=_locale%3Den%26_format%3Dhtml%26_controller%3DApp%255CController%255CDefaultController%253A%253ANavigationSocialIconAction" |
SCRIPT_FILENAME | "/var/www/vhosts/" |
SCRIPT_NAME | "/index.php" |
SERVER_ADMIN | "[no address given]" |
SERVER_PORT | "443" |
SERVER_SIGNATURE | "<address>Apache Server at Port 443</address>\n" |
STATIC_PAGE_URI | "/%home" |
USER | "centric" |
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Parent Request
Return to parent request (token = 152e4d)
Key | Value |
_controller | "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" |
_editmode | false |
_event_controller | App\Controller\ContentController {#1721 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#1773 …} } |
_locale | "en" |
_pimcore_context | "default" |
_pimcore_frontend_request | true |
_route | "document_43" |
_route_params | [ "_locale" => "en" ] |
_stopwatch_token | "dcd051" |
contentDocument | Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#3107 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1721899863 #path: "/en/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "4" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "footer" : "4" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "language" : "en" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893 #dao: null #name: "navigation_accesskey" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_accesskey" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894 #dao: null #name: "navigation_anchor" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_anchor" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774 #dao: null #name: "navigation_class" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_class" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779 #dao: null #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_exclude" : true : "bool" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "privacy-policy" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_name" : "privacy-policy" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_parameters" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_relation" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789 #dao: null #name: "navigation_tabindex" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_tabindex" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792 #dao: null #name: "navigation_target" #data: null #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_target" : null : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794 #dao: null #name: "navigation_title" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_title" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } ] #id: 43 #creationDate: 1721734557 #modificationDate: 1721899863 #versionCount: 13 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 2 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/en/privacy-policy" #type: "page" #key: "privacy-policy" #index: 19 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" #template: null #editables: [ "content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3350 #dao: null #config: [ "allowed" => [ "terms" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Terms" "description" => "" "type" => "terms" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content" #realName: "content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] ] #current: 0 #currentIndex: [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] #blockStarted: false #brickTypeUsageCounter: [ "terms" => 1 ] : [ "allowed" => [ "terms" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Terms" "description" => "" "type" => "terms" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] : null : null : "content" : "content" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] ] : 0 : [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] : false : [ "terms" => 1 ] } "content:1.dateContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3352 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.dateContent" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [] : null : null : "content:1.dateContent" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.termsDateTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsDateTitle" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "December 21, 2023" : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsDateTitle" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "December 21, 2023" } "content:1.termsLastTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3323 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsLastTitle" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Thank you for using" : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsLastTitle" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Thank you for using" } "content:1.termsListing" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3405 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsListing" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: """ <h3 id="privacypolicynotice" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Privacy Policy Notice</h3>\n <h4 class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Personal Data Collection</h4>\n <div class="textStyle">\n <p class="has-text">By using, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use the GoodyCo’s website.</p>\n <ul class="privacy-policy-list-one">\n <li class="has-text">How We Use and Process Your Personal Data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your personal data shared with Third-Party</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your individual rights</li>\n <li class="has-text">Internet cookies</li>\n <li class="has-text">Data security and protection</li>\n <li class="has-text">Transparent Privacy Explanations</li>\n <li class="has-text">Retention of your personal data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy</li>\n <li class="has-text">How to contact GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">Automated Decision Making</li>\n <li class="has-text">Personal Data for Marketing</li>\n <li class="has-text">Children’s Data</li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <h3 id="policy" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Policy</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including passwords. Any actions taken under your account will be your responsibility.</p>\n <h3 id="policykeydefinations" class="has-text">Policy key Definations</h3>\n <ul class="definitions-list">\n <li class="has-text">"our", "us", or "we" refer to the business, GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">"you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using the website or otherwise sharing/disclosing personal data with the business</li>\n <li class="has-text">GDPR means General Data Protection Act</li>\n <li class="has-text">ICO means Information Commissioner's Office</li>\n <li class="has-text">Cookies mean small text files stored on your computer or device by websites that you visit. Cookies also refer to other similar tracking technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons (collectively “cookies”)</li>\n </ul>\n <h3 id="yourpersonalprocessing" class="has-text">Your Personal Processing</h3>\n <p class="has-text">We collect personal data that you want to provide to us or that may otherwise be needed to provide our service to you, including:</p>\n <ul>\n <li class="has-text">First and last name</li>\n <li class="has-text">Email address</li>\n <li class="has-text">Usage data which includes connection and system information such as [IP address, log files, etc.]</li>\n </ul>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">Any consent you provide may be withdrawn at any time</p>\n <p class="has-text">So that we can provide you with information on our services or to respond to your questions or comments you may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc.</p>\n <h3 id="prohibitedactivities" class="has-text">Prohibited Activities</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of This includes, but is not limited to, transmitting viruses, spam, or engaging in any form of hacking.</p>\n <p class="has-text">For users who do not provide their data, or who do not consent to the use of Cookies and similar technologies on the site, some functionality may be unavailable.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If you choose not to provide your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with services, support or responses.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If, as determined by GoodyCo, the lawful basis changes upon which personal information is processed, we will notify you about the change and any new lawful basis to be used if required. We shall stop processing personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.</p>\n <h3 id="limitationofliability" class="has-text">Limitation of Liability</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Goody is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of all the data and information on our website.</p>\n <h3 id="changestoterms" class="has-text">Changes to Terms</h3>\n <p class="has-text">These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Any disputes arising from the use of will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.</p>\n <h3 id="contactinformation" class="has-text">Contact Information</h3>\n <p>If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at <a class="has-text" href="mailto:"></a> or +966 12 667 6607</p> """ : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsListing" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : """ <h3 id="privacypolicynotice" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Privacy Policy Notice</h3>\n <h4 class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Personal Data Collection</h4>\n <div class="textStyle">\n <p class="has-text">By using, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use the GoodyCo’s website.</p>\n <ul class="privacy-policy-list-one">\n <li class="has-text">How We Use and Process Your Personal Data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your personal data shared with Third-Party</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your individual rights</li>\n <li class="has-text">Internet cookies</li>\n <li class="has-text">Data security and protection</li>\n <li class="has-text">Transparent Privacy Explanations</li>\n <li class="has-text">Retention of your personal data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy</li>\n <li class="has-text">How to contact GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">Automated Decision Making</li>\n <li class="has-text">Personal Data for Marketing</li>\n <li class="has-text">Children’s Data</li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <h3 id="policy" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Policy</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including passwords. Any actions taken under your account will be your responsibility.</p>\n <h3 id="policykeydefinations" class="has-text">Policy key Definations</h3>\n <ul class="definitions-list">\n <li class="has-text">"our", "us", or "we" refer to the business, GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">"you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using the website or otherwise sharing/disclosing personal data with the business</li>\n <li class="has-text">GDPR means General Data Protection Act</li>\n <li class="has-text">ICO means Information Commissioner's Office</li>\n <li class="has-text">Cookies mean small text files stored on your computer or device by websites that you visit. Cookies also refer to other similar tracking technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons (collectively “cookies”)</li>\n </ul>\n <h3 id="yourpersonalprocessing" class="has-text">Your Personal Processing</h3>\n <p class="has-text">We collect personal data that you want to provide to us or that may otherwise be needed to provide our service to you, including:</p>\n <ul>\n <li class="has-text">First and last name</li>\n <li class="has-text">Email address</li>\n <li class="has-text">Usage data which includes connection and system information such as [IP address, log files, etc.]</li>\n </ul>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">Any consent you provide may be withdrawn at any time</p>\n <p class="has-text">So that we can provide you with information on our services or to respond to your questions or comments you may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc.</p>\n <h3 id="prohibitedactivities" class="has-text">Prohibited Activities</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of This includes, but is not limited to, transmitting viruses, spam, or engaging in any form of hacking.</p>\n <p class="has-text">For users who do not provide their data, or who do not consent to the use of Cookies and similar technologies on the site, some functionality may be unavailable.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If you choose not to provide your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with services, support or responses.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If, as determined by GoodyCo, the lawful basis changes upon which personal information is processed, we will notify you about the change and any new lawful basis to be used if required. We shall stop processing personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.</p>\n <h3 id="limitationofliability" class="has-text">Limitation of Liability</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Goody is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of all the data and information on our website.</p>\n <h3 id="changestoterms" class="has-text">Changes to Terms</h3>\n <p class="has-text">These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Any disputes arising from the use of will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.</p>\n <h3 id="contactinformation" class="has-text">Contact Information</h3>\n <p>If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at <a class="has-text" href="mailto:"></a> or +966 12 667 6607</p> """ } "content:1.termsSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Second title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsSecondTitle" #realName: "termsSecondTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Privacy Policy & Cookies" : [ "placeholder" => "Add Second title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.termsSecondTitle" : "termsSecondTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Privacy Policy & Cookies" } "content:1.termsTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3331 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsTitle" #realName: "termsTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Legal" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.termsTitle" : "termsTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Legal" } "content:1.topicTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Navigator title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.topicTitle" #realName: "topicTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Topics" : [ "placeholder" => "Add Navigator title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.topicTitle" : "topicTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Topics" } "content:1.updateDate" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Last updated date text here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.updateDate" #realName: "updateDate" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [ "placeholder" => "Last updated date text here" ] : null : null : "content:1.updateDate" : "updateDate" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.mainContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3344 #dao: null #config: [ "height" => 100 "placeholder" => "Enter your main content" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.mainContent" #realName: "mainContent" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: null : [ "height" => 100 "placeholder" => "Enter your main content" ] : null : null : "content:1.mainContent" : "mainContent" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : null } "content:1.mainContentBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3346 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.mainContentBlock" #realName: "mainContentBlock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "content:1.mainContentBlock" : "mainContentBlock" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [] : 0 } "content:1.thankYouLine" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3348 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Thank you for using" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.thankYouLine" #realName: "thankYouLine" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [ "placeholder" => "Thank you for using" ] : null : null : "content:1.thankYouLine" : "thankYouLine" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3415 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "content:1.contentblock" : "contentblock" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [] : 0 } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &30 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &30 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: false #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #scheduledTasks: null #title: "privacy-policy" #description: "" #prettyUrl: null : null : 1721899863 : "/en/" : [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769} "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765} "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893} "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894} "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774} "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779} "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780} "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782} "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797} "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789} "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792} "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794} ] : 43 : 1721734557 : 1721899863 : 13 : 2 : null : 2 : 2 : null : false : [] : "/en/privacy-policy" : "page" : "privacy-policy" : 19 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" : null : [ "content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3350} "content:1.dateContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3352} "content:1.termsDateTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393} "content:1.termsLastTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3323} "content:1.termsListing" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3405} "content:1.termsSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404} "content:1.termsTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3331} "content:1.topicTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330} "content:1.updateDate" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402} "content:1.mainContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3344} "content:1.mainContentBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3346} "content:1.thankYouLine" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3348} "content:1.contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3415} ] : null : null : null : true : null : false : null : [] : null : "privacy-policy" : "" : null } |
routeDocument | Pimcore\Routing\DocumentRoute {#1759 -path: "/en/privacy-policy" -host: "" -schemes: [] -methods: [] -defaults: [ "_locale" => "en" "_controller" => "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" ] -requirements: [] -options: [ "compiler_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler" "utf8" => true ] -condition: "" -compiled: Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute {#1821 …} #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#3107 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1721899863 #path: "/en/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "4" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "footer" : "4" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "language" : "en" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 43 : true : true } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893 #dao: null #name: "navigation_accesskey" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_accesskey" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894 #dao: null #name: "navigation_anchor" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_anchor" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774 #dao: null #name: "navigation_class" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_class" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779 #dao: null #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_exclude" : true : "bool" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "privacy-policy" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_name" : "privacy-policy" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_parameters" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_relation" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789 #dao: null #name: "navigation_tabindex" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_tabindex" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792 #dao: null #name: "navigation_target" #data: null #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_target" : null : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794 #dao: null #name: "navigation_title" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 43 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_title" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 43 : false : false } ] #id: 43 #creationDate: 1721734557 #modificationDate: 1721899863 #versionCount: 13 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 2 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/en/privacy-policy" #type: "page" #key: "privacy-policy" #index: 19 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" #template: null #editables: [ "content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3350 #dao: null #config: [ "allowed" => [ "terms" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Terms" "description" => "" "type" => "terms" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content" #realName: "content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] ] #current: 0 #currentIndex: [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] #blockStarted: false #brickTypeUsageCounter: [ "terms" => 1 ] : [ "allowed" => [ "terms" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Terms" "description" => "" "type" => "terms" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] : null : null : "content" : "content" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] ] : 0 : [ "key" => "1" "type" => "terms" "hidden" => false ] : false : [ "terms" => 1 ] } "content:1.dateContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3352 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.dateContent" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [] : null : null : "content:1.dateContent" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.termsDateTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsDateTitle" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "December 21, 2023" : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsDateTitle" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "December 21, 2023" } "content:1.termsLastTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3323 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsLastTitle" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Thank you for using" : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsLastTitle" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Thank you for using" } "content:1.termsListing" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3405 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsListing" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: """ <h3 id="privacypolicynotice" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Privacy Policy Notice</h3>\n <h4 class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Personal Data Collection</h4>\n <div class="textStyle">\n <p class="has-text">By using, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use the GoodyCo’s website.</p>\n <ul class="privacy-policy-list-one">\n <li class="has-text">How We Use and Process Your Personal Data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your personal data shared with Third-Party</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your individual rights</li>\n <li class="has-text">Internet cookies</li>\n <li class="has-text">Data security and protection</li>\n <li class="has-text">Transparent Privacy Explanations</li>\n <li class="has-text">Retention of your personal data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy</li>\n <li class="has-text">How to contact GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">Automated Decision Making</li>\n <li class="has-text">Personal Data for Marketing</li>\n <li class="has-text">Children’s Data</li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <h3 id="policy" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Policy</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including passwords. Any actions taken under your account will be your responsibility.</p>\n <h3 id="policykeydefinations" class="has-text">Policy key Definations</h3>\n <ul class="definitions-list">\n <li class="has-text">"our", "us", or "we" refer to the business, GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">"you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using the website or otherwise sharing/disclosing personal data with the business</li>\n <li class="has-text">GDPR means General Data Protection Act</li>\n <li class="has-text">ICO means Information Commissioner's Office</li>\n <li class="has-text">Cookies mean small text files stored on your computer or device by websites that you visit. Cookies also refer to other similar tracking technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons (collectively “cookies”)</li>\n </ul>\n <h3 id="yourpersonalprocessing" class="has-text">Your Personal Processing</h3>\n <p class="has-text">We collect personal data that you want to provide to us or that may otherwise be needed to provide our service to you, including:</p>\n <ul>\n <li class="has-text">First and last name</li>\n <li class="has-text">Email address</li>\n <li class="has-text">Usage data which includes connection and system information such as [IP address, log files, etc.]</li>\n </ul>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">Any consent you provide may be withdrawn at any time</p>\n <p class="has-text">So that we can provide you with information on our services or to respond to your questions or comments you may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc.</p>\n <h3 id="prohibitedactivities" class="has-text">Prohibited Activities</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of This includes, but is not limited to, transmitting viruses, spam, or engaging in any form of hacking.</p>\n <p class="has-text">For users who do not provide their data, or who do not consent to the use of Cookies and similar technologies on the site, some functionality may be unavailable.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If you choose not to provide your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with services, support or responses.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If, as determined by GoodyCo, the lawful basis changes upon which personal information is processed, we will notify you about the change and any new lawful basis to be used if required. We shall stop processing personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.</p>\n <h3 id="limitationofliability" class="has-text">Limitation of Liability</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Goody is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of all the data and information on our website.</p>\n <h3 id="changestoterms" class="has-text">Changes to Terms</h3>\n <p class="has-text">These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Any disputes arising from the use of will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.</p>\n <h3 id="contactinformation" class="has-text">Contact Information</h3>\n <p>If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at <a class="has-text" href="mailto:"></a> or +966 12 667 6607</p> """ : [] : null : null : "content:1.termsListing" : "" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : """ <h3 id="privacypolicynotice" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Privacy Policy Notice</h3>\n <h4 class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Personal Data Collection</h4>\n <div class="textStyle">\n <p class="has-text">By using, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use the GoodyCo’s website.</p>\n <ul class="privacy-policy-list-one">\n <li class="has-text">How We Use and Process Your Personal Data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your personal data shared with Third-Party</li>\n <li class="has-text">Your individual rights</li>\n <li class="has-text">Internet cookies</li>\n <li class="has-text">Data security and protection</li>\n <li class="has-text">Transparent Privacy Explanations</li>\n <li class="has-text">Retention of your personal data</li>\n <li class="has-text">Changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy</li>\n <li class="has-text">How to contact GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">Automated Decision Making</li>\n <li class="has-text">Personal Data for Marketing</li>\n <li class="has-text">Children’s Data</li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <h3 id="policy" class="small pt-0 pb-3 has-text">Policy</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including passwords. Any actions taken under your account will be your responsibility.</p>\n <h3 id="policykeydefinations" class="has-text">Policy key Definations</h3>\n <ul class="definitions-list">\n <li class="has-text">"our", "us", or "we" refer to the business, GoodyCo</li>\n <li class="has-text">"you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using the website or otherwise sharing/disclosing personal data with the business</li>\n <li class="has-text">GDPR means General Data Protection Act</li>\n <li class="has-text">ICO means Information Commissioner's Office</li>\n <li class="has-text">Cookies mean small text files stored on your computer or device by websites that you visit. Cookies also refer to other similar tracking technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons (collectively “cookies”)</li>\n </ul>\n <h3 id="yourpersonalprocessing" class="has-text">Your Personal Processing</h3>\n <p class="has-text">We collect personal data that you want to provide to us or that may otherwise be needed to provide our service to you, including:</p>\n <ul>\n <li class="has-text">First and last name</li>\n <li class="has-text">Email address</li>\n <li class="has-text">Usage data which includes connection and system information such as [IP address, log files, etc.]</li>\n </ul>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">[any other categories of personal data GoodyCo collects] Your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and/or any other applicable legal basis, such as our legitimate interest in engaging in commerce and offering services of value to you.</p>\n <p class="has-text">Any consent you provide may be withdrawn at any time</p>\n <p class="has-text">So that we can provide you with information on our services or to respond to your questions or comments you may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc.</p>\n <h3 id="prohibitedactivities" class="has-text">Prohibited Activities</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Users are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of This includes, but is not limited to, transmitting viruses, spam, or engaging in any form of hacking.</p>\n <p class="has-text">For users who do not provide their data, or who do not consent to the use of Cookies and similar technologies on the site, some functionality may be unavailable.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If you choose not to provide your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with services, support or responses.</p>\n <p class="has-text">If, as determined by GoodyCo, the lawful basis changes upon which personal information is processed, we will notify you about the change and any new lawful basis to be used if required. We shall stop processing personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.</p>\n <h3 id="limitationofliability" class="has-text">Limitation of Liability</h3>\n <p class="has-text">Goody is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of all the data and information on our website.</p>\n <h3 id="changestoterms" class="has-text">Changes to Terms</h3>\n <p class="has-text">These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Any disputes arising from the use of will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.</p>\n <h3 id="contactinformation" class="has-text">Contact Information</h3>\n <p>If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at <a class="has-text" href="mailto:"></a> or +966 12 667 6607</p> """ } "content:1.termsSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Second title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsSecondTitle" #realName: "termsSecondTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Privacy Policy & Cookies" : [ "placeholder" => "Add Second title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.termsSecondTitle" : "termsSecondTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Privacy Policy & Cookies" } "content:1.termsTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3331 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.termsTitle" #realName: "termsTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Legal" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.termsTitle" : "termsTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Legal" } "content:1.topicTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Navigator title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.topicTitle" #realName: "topicTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Topics" : [ "placeholder" => "Add Navigator title here" ] : null : null : "content:1.topicTitle" : "topicTitle" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "Topics" } "content:1.updateDate" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Last updated date text here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.updateDate" #realName: "updateDate" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [ "placeholder" => "Last updated date text here" ] : null : null : "content:1.updateDate" : "updateDate" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.mainContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3344 #dao: null #config: [ "height" => 100 "placeholder" => "Enter your main content" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.mainContent" #realName: "mainContent" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: null : [ "height" => 100 "placeholder" => "Enter your main content" ] : null : null : "content:1.mainContent" : "mainContent" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : null } "content:1.mainContentBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3346 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.mainContentBlock" #realName: "mainContentBlock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "content:1.mainContentBlock" : "mainContentBlock" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [] : 0 } "content:1.thankYouLine" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3348 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Thank you for using" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.thankYouLine" #realName: "thankYouLine" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" : [ "placeholder" => "Thank you for using" ] : null : null : "content:1.thankYouLine" : "thankYouLine" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "" } "content:1.contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3415 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "content:1.contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 43 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "content:1.contentblock" : "contentblock" : 43 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [] : 0 } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &30 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &30 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: false #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #scheduledTasks: null #title: "privacy-policy" #description: "" #prettyUrl: null : null : 1721899863 : "/en/" : [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769} "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765} "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893} "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894} "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774} "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779} "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780} "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782} "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797} "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789} "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792} "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794} ] : 43 : 1721734557 : 1721899863 : 13 : 2 : null : 2 : 2 : null : false : [] : "/en/privacy-policy" : "page" : "privacy-policy" : 19 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\ContentController::termsOfUseAction" : null : [ "content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3350} "content:1.dateContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3352} "content:1.termsDateTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393} "content:1.termsLastTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3323} "content:1.termsListing" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3405} "content:1.termsSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404} "content:1.termsTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3331} "content:1.topicTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330} "content:1.updateDate" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402} "content:1.mainContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#3344} "content:1.mainContentBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3346} "content:1.thankYouLine" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3348} "content:1.contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3415} ] : null : null : null : true : null : false : null : [] : null : "privacy-policy" : "" : null } } |