DefaultController :: footerAction
GET Parameters
Key | Value |
_path | "_locale=ar&_format=html&_controller=App%5CController%5CDefaultController%3A%3AfooterAction" |
POST Parameters
No POST parameters
Uploaded Files
No files were uploaded
Request Attributes
Key | Value |
_controller | "App\Controller\DefaultController::footerAction" |
_editmode | false |
_event_controller | App\Controller\DefaultController {#2528 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2529 …} } |
_format | "html" |
_locale | "ar" |
_pimcore_context | "default" |
_stopwatch_token | "59861a" |
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contentDocument | Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#3111 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1724854404 #path: "/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "23" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: false : "footer" : "23" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : false } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "ar" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: false : "language" : "ar" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : true : false } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893 #dao: null #name: "navigation_accesskey" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_accesskey" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894 #dao: null #name: "navigation_anchor" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_anchor" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774 #dao: null #name: "navigation_class" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_class" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779 #dao: null #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: false #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_exclude" : false : "bool" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "home ar" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_name" : "home ar" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_parameters" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_relation" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789 #dao: null #name: "navigation_tabindex" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_tabindex" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792 #dao: null #name: "navigation_target" #data: null #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_target" : null : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794 #dao: null #name: "navigation_title" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_title" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "side_nav" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1781 #dao: null #name: "side_nav" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "side_nav" : true : "bool" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } ] #id: 6 #creationDate: 1713515857 #modificationDate: 1724854404 #versionCount: 98 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 1 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/ar" #type: "page" #key: "ar" #index: 2 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\ContentController::homeAction" #template: null #editables: [ "areablockOne" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3358 #dao: null #config: [ "allowed" => [ "portal-banner" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Banner" "description" => "" "type" => "portal-banner" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne" #realName: "areablockOne" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] ] #current: 0 #currentIndex: [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] #blockStarted: false #brickTypeUsageCounter: [ "portal-banner" => 1 ] : [ "allowed" => [ "portal-banner" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Banner" "description" => "" "type" => "portal-banner" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] : null : null : "areablockOne" : "areablockOne" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] ] : 0 : [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] : false : [ "portal-banner" => 1 ] } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3360 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" #realName: "bannerTitle0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "غايتنا: رعاية الشغف بالطعام والروابط القلبية." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" : "bannerTitle0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "غايتنا: رعاية الشغف بالطعام والروابط القلبية." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3401 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" #realName: "bannerTitle1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "منتجاتنا: رفع مستوى مائدتك بالابتكار." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" : "bannerTitle1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "منتجاتنا: رفع مستوى مائدتك بالابتكار." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3331 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" #realName: "bannerTitle2" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "فريقنا: إطلاق العنان للإمكانات، وإشعال الشغف." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" : "bannerTitle2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "فريقنا: إطلاق العنان للإمكانات، وإشعال الشغف." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3332 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" #realName: "bannerTitle3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "عمليتنا: إشعال تحول طهوي." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" : "bannerTitle3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "عمليتنا: إشعال تحول طهوي." } "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3333 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" #realName: "cardColor0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#F5CE50;;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" : "cardColor0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#F5CE50;;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3334 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" #realName: "cardColor1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#FF2B68;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" : "cardColor1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#FF2B68;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3411 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" #realName: "cardColor2" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#04979E;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" : "cardColor2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#04979E;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3410 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" #realName: "cardColor3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#6547C2;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" : "cardColor3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#6547C2;" } "areablockOne:1.heading0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3409 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heading0" #realName: "heading0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "رعاية الشغف بالطعام وبناء روابط قلبية" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heading0" : "heading0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "رعاية الشغف بالطعام وبناء روابط قلبية" } "areablockOne:1.heading1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3408 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heading1" #realName: "heading1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "الارتقاء بمائدتك من خلال الابتكار" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heading1" : "heading1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "الارتقاء 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#inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "إشعال ثورة في فن الطهي" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heading3" : "heading3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "إشعال ثورة في فن الطهي" } "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3340 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage0" #realName: "heroBannerImage0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 6 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 #cropHeight: 0.0 #cropTop: 0.0 #cropLeft: 0.0 #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null : [] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage0" : "heroBannerImage0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : 6 : "" : Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} : false : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : [] : [] : null } "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3339 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage1" #realName: "heroBannerImage1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 6 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 #cropHeight: 0.0 #cropTop: 0.0 #cropLeft: 0.0 #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null : [] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage1" : "heroBannerImage1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : 6 : "" : Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} : false : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : [] : [] : null } "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3363 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Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 6 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 #cropHeight: 0.0 #cropTop: 0.0 #cropLeft: 0.0 #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null : [] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage3" : "heroBannerImage3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : 6 : "" : Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3521 …} : false : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : [] : [] : null } "areablockOne:1.Number" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3366 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ 1 1 ] [ 2 2 ] [ 3 3 ] [ 4 4 ] [ 5 5 ] [ 6 6 ] [ 7 7 ] [ 8 8 ] [ 9 9 ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.Number" #realName: "Number" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false 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6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "خلق ذكريات لا تُنسى من خلال الوجبات اللذيذة\u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0} \u{A0}\u{A0}" } "areablockOne:1.text1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3418 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Text" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.text1" #realName: "text1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "تقدم قودي مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات الغذائية والمشروبات ذات الجودة العالية والابتكار" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Text" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.text1" : "text1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "تقدم قودي مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات الغذائية والمشروبات ذات الجودة العالية والابتكار" } "areablockOne:1.text2" => 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عالية الجودة والتقنيات المبتكرة. من الكلاسيكيات المحبوبة إلى النكهات الجريئة الجديدة، نحن ملتزمون بالاحتفال بقلب وروح كل وجبة. كل لقمة هي احتفال بالحب والدفء والاتصال." : [] : null : null : "areablockTwo:2.content" : "" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "تؤمن قودي بقوة الطعام في جمع الناس. كل علامة تجارية من علاماتنا هي انعكاس فريد لشغفنا بالمكونات عالية الجودة والتقنيات المبتكرة. من الكلاسيكيات المحبوبة إلى النكهات الجريئة الجديدة، نحن ملتزمون بالاحتفال بقلب وروح كل وجبة. كل لقمة هي احتفال بالحب والدفء والاتصال." } "areablockTwo:2.fiftyYearsImage" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3432 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:2.fiftyYearsImage" #realName: "" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 11 #alt: "" #image: null #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 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القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." } "areablockTwo:4.content1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3420 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.content1" #realName: "content1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "في عام ١٩٦٩، كان لدى أحمد سعيد بسامة فكرة - ماذا لو بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." : [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:4.content1" : "content1" : 6 : 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وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." : [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:4.content2" : "content2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "في عام ١٩٦٩، كان لدى أحمد سعيد بسامة فكرة - ماذا لو بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." } "areablockTwo:4.content3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3400 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.content3" #realName: "content3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false 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[ "title" => "Drag your image here" "width" => 200 "height" => 200 "uploadPath" => "/Home/Timeline-Innovation/" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" #realName: "timelineSwiper0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 13 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3651 …} #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 #cropHeight: 0.0 #cropTop: 0.0 #cropLeft: 0.0 #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null : [ "title" => "Drag your image here" "width" => 200 "height" => 200 "uploadPath" => "/Home/Timeline-Innovation/" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" : "timelineSwiper0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : 13 : "" : Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3651 …} : false : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : 0.0 : [] : [] : null } "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper1" => 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#dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Enter Text Here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:7.secondTitle" #realName: "secondTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "أحدث الأخبار والتحديثات عن قودي" : [ "placeholder" => "Enter Text Here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:7.secondTitle" : "secondTitle" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "أحدث الأخبار والتحديثات عن قودي" } "areablockTwo:7.title" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3375 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Enter Text Here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:7.title" #realName: "title" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "الأخبار والإعلام" : [ 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"areablockTwo:8.getInTouch0" #realName: "getInTouch0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => "" "linktype" => "" "text" => "تواصل معنا" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" ] : [] : null : null : "areablockTwo:8.getInTouch0" : "getInTouch0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => "" "linktype" => "" "text" => "تواصل معنا" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" ] } "areablockTwo:8.Heading0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:8.Heading0" #realName: "Heading0" 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"navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780} "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782} "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797} "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789} "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792} "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794} "side_nav" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1781} ] : 6 : 1713515857 : 1724854404 : 98 : 2 : null : 2 : 1 : null : false : [] : "/ar" : "page" : "ar" : 2 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\ContentController::homeAction" : null : [ "areablockOne" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3358} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3360} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3401} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3331} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3332} "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" => 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"areablockTwo:3.divColor3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3353} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3352} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3407} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3406} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3405} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3403} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3344} "areablockTwo:3.pillarSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3345} "areablockTwo:3.pillarTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3346} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3412} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3413} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3414} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3415} "areablockTwo:4.content0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3416} "areablockTwo:4.content1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3420} "areablockTwo:4.content2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3417} "areablockTwo:4.content3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3400} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3399} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3398} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3397} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3396} "areablockTwo:4.timelineTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3395} "areablockTwo:4.timelineYears" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3394} "areablockTwo:4.years0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393} "areablockTwo:4.years1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3392} "areablockTwo:4.years2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3391} "areablockTwo:4.years3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3390} "areablockTwo:5.content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3389} "areablockTwo:5.discoverProducts" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3388} "areablockTwo:5.leftBottom" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3387} "areablockTwo:5.mainTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3386} "areablockTwo:5.rightTop" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3385} "areablockTwo:5.subTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3384} "areablockTwo:6.brandStaticImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3383} "areablockTwo:6.brandStaticImage1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3382} "areablockTwo:6.brandTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3381} "areablockTwo:6.linkImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3380} "areablockTwo:6.linkImage1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3379} "areablockTwo:6.Number" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3378} "areablockTwo:7.moreNews" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3377} "areablockTwo:7.secondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3376} "areablockTwo:7.title" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3375} "areablockTwo:8.accordionBgImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3374} "areablockTwo:8.accordionCount1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3373} "areablockTwo:8.accordionImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3372} "areablockTwo:8.accordionTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3371} "areablockTwo:8.addressContent0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3370} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3369} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0:1.telephoneLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3368} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0:3.telephoneLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3057} "areablockTwo:8.culinaryContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3118} "areablockTwo:8.getInTouch0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3312} "areablockTwo:8.Heading0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330} "areablockTwo:8.smallTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3329} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3643} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3846} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3892} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4073} ] : null : null : null : true : null : false : null : [] : null : "ar" : "" : null } |
routeDocument | Pimcore\Routing\DocumentRoute {#1759 -path: "/ar" -host: "" -schemes: [] -methods: [] -defaults: [ "_locale" => "ar" "_controller" => "App\Controller\ContentController::homeAction" ] -requirements: [] -options: [ "compiler_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler" "utf8" => true ] -condition: "" -compiled: Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute {#1822 …} #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#3111 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1724854404 #path: "/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1830 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "23" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: false : "footer" : "23" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : false } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1769 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "ar" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: false : "language" : "ar" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : true : false } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1785 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1766 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1765 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 6 : true : true } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893 #dao: null #name: "navigation_accesskey" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_accesskey" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894 #dao: null #name: "navigation_anchor" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_anchor" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774 #dao: null #name: "navigation_class" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_class" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779 #dao: null #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: false #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_exclude" : false : "bool" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "home ar" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_name" : "home ar" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_parameters" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_relation" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789 #dao: null #name: "navigation_tabindex" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_tabindex" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792 #dao: null #name: "navigation_target" #data: null #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_target" : null : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794 #dao: null #name: "navigation_title" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "navigation_title" : "" : "text" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } "side_nav" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1781 #dao: null #name: "side_nav" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 6 #inheritable: false #inherited: false : "side_nav" : true : "bool" : "document" : null : 6 : false : false } ] #id: 6 #creationDate: 1713515857 #modificationDate: 1724854404 #versionCount: 98 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 1 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/ar" #type: "page" #key: "ar" #index: 2 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\ContentController::homeAction" #template: null #editables: [ "areablockOne" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3358 #dao: null #config: [ "allowed" => [ "portal-banner" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Banner" "description" => "" "type" => "portal-banner" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne" #realName: "areablockOne" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] ] #current: 0 #currentIndex: [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] #blockStarted: false #brickTypeUsageCounter: [ "portal-banner" => 1 ] : [ "allowed" => [ "portal-banner" ] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Banner" "description" => "" "type" => "portal-banner" "icon" => "" "previewHtml" => null "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false "sortIndex" => 0 ] ] "limit" => 1000000 "blockStateStack" => "[{"blocks":[],"indexes":[]}]" ] : null : null : "areablockOne" : "areablockOne" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : [ [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] ] : 0 : [ "key" => "1" "type" => "portal-banner" "hidden" => false ] : false : [ "portal-banner" => 1 ] } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3360 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" #realName: "bannerTitle0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "غايتنا: رعاية الشغف بالطعام والروابط القلبية." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" : "bannerTitle0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "غايتنا: رعاية الشغف بالطعام والروابط القلبية." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3401 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" #realName: "bannerTitle1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "منتجاتنا: رفع مستوى مائدتك بالابتكار." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" : "bannerTitle1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "منتجاتنا: رفع مستوى مائدتك بالابتكار." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3331 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" #realName: "bannerTitle2" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "فريقنا: إطلاق العنان للإمكانات، وإشعال الشغف." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle2" : "bannerTitle2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "فريقنا: إطلاق العنان للإمكانات، وإشعال الشغف." } "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3332 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" #realName: "bannerTitle3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "عمليتنا: إشعال تحول طهوي." : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle3" : "bannerTitle3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "عمليتنا: إشعال تحول طهوي." } "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3333 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" #realName: "cardColor0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#F5CE50;;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor0" : "cardColor0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#F5CE50;;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3334 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" #realName: "cardColor1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#FF2B68;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor1" : "cardColor1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#FF2B68;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3411 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" #realName: "cardColor2" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#04979E;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor2" : "cardColor2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#04979E;" } "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3410 #dao: null #config: [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" #realName: "cardColor3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "#6547C2;" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ "#F5CE50;;" "yellow" ] [ "#FF2B68;" "red" ] [ "#04979E;" "blue" ] [ "#6547C2;" "purple" ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.cardColor3" : "cardColor3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "#6547C2;" } "areablockOne:1.heading0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3409 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heading0" #realName: "heading0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "رعاية الشغف بالطعام وبناء روابط قلبية" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heading0" : "heading0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "رعاية الشغف بالطعام وبناء روابط قلبية" } "areablockOne:1.heading1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3408 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heading1" #realName: "heading1" 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false : null : "إطلاق العنان للإمكانات، وإشعال الشغف" } "areablockOne:1.heading3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3341 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heading3" #realName: "heading3" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "إشعال ثورة في فن الطهي" : [ "placeholder" => "Card Heading" ] : null : null : "areablockOne:1.heading3" : "heading3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "إشعال ثورة في فن الطهي" } "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3340 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage0" #realName: "heroBannerImage0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: 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[ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ 1 1 ] [ 2 2 ] [ 3 3 ] [ 4 4 ] [ 5 5 ] [ 6 6 ] [ 7 7 ] [ 8 8 ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.accordionCount" #realName: "accordionCount" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "4" : [ "width" => 110 "reload" => true "store" => [ [ 1 1 ] [ 2 2 ] [ 3 3 ] [ 4 4 ] [ 5 5 ] [ 6 6 ] [ 7 7 ] [ 8 8 ] ] "class" => "align-middle" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.accordionCount" : "accordionCount" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "4" } "areablockTwo:3.content0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3438 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.content0" #realName: "content0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "خلق ذكريات لا تُنسى من خلال الوجبات اللذيذة" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.content0" : "content0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "خلق ذكريات لا تُنسى من خلال الوجبات اللذيذة" } "areablockTwo:3.content1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3365 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.content1" #realName: "content1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "تقدم قودي مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات الغذائية والمشروبات ذات الجودة العالية والابتكار" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.content1" : "content1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "تقدم قودي مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات الغذائية والمشروبات ذات الجودة العالية والابتكار" } "areablockTwo:3.content2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3367 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.content2" #realName: "content2" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "عائلة قودي هي قلب نجاحنا" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.content2" : "content2" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "عائلة قودي هي قلب نجاحنا" } "areablockTwo:3.content3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3357 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.content3" #realName: 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{#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "عمليتنا" : [ "placeholder" => "Add title here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle3" : "mainTitle3" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "عمليتنا" } "areablockTwo:3.pillarSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3345 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Enter Text Here" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:3.pillarSecondTitle" #realName: "pillarSecondTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "في فن الطهي" : [ "placeholder" => "Enter Text Here" ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:3.pillarSecondTitle" : "pillarSecondTitle" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "في فن الطهي" } "areablockTwo:3.pillarTitle" => 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=> true ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:4.content0" : "content0" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "في عام ١٩٦٩، كان لدى أحمد سعيد بسامة فكرة - ماذا لو بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." } "areablockTwo:4.content1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3420 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.content1" #realName: "content1" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "في عام ١٩٦٩، كان لدى أحمد سعيد بسامة فكرة - ماذا لو بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." : [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] : null : null : "areablockTwo:4.content1" : "content1" : 6 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} : false : false : null : "في عام ١٩٦٩، كان لدى أحمد سعيد بسامة فكرة - ماذا لو بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." } "areablockTwo:4.content2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3417 #dao: null #config: [ "placeholder" => "Add Text here" "height" => 100 "nl2br" => true ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.content2" #realName: "content2" -parentBlockNames: [] 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بدأ شركة غذائية تقوم بكل شيء بشكل أفضل؟ كانت الخطة بسيطة - جلب الطعام اللذيذ والصحي والميسور للمستهلكين السعوديين - لمساعدتهم في جعل وجباتهم أكثر لذة. عندما تقرر القيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل، فإنك تمنح الجميع في السلسلة القدرة على التطور - وهذا يجلب الأفضل منهم." } "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3399 #dao: null #config: [ "title" => "Drag your image here" "width" => 200 "height" => 200 "uploadPath" => "/Home/Timeline-Innovation/" ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" #realName: "timelineSwiper0" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 6 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1750} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 13 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#3651 …} #cropPercent: false #cropWidth: 0.0 #cropHeight: 0.0 #cropTop: 0.0 #cropLeft: 0.0 #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null : [ "title" => "Drag your image here" "width" => 200 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"navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1893} "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1894} "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1774} "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1779} "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1780} "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1782} "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1797} "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1789} "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1792} "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1794} "side_nav" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1781} ] : 6 : 1713515857 : 1724854404 : 98 : 2 : null : 2 : 1 : null : false : [] : "/ar" : "page" : "ar" : 2 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\ContentController::homeAction" : null : [ "areablockOne" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3358} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3360} "areablockOne:1.bannerTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea 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Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3363} "areablockOne:1.heroBannerImage3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3364} "areablockOne:1.Number" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3366} "areablockOne:1.text0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3419} "areablockOne:1.text1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3418} "areablockOne:1.text2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3421} "areablockOne:1.text3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3422} "areablockOne:1.title0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3423} "areablockOne:1.title1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3424} "areablockOne:1.title2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3425} "areablockOne:1.title3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3426} "areablockTwo" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#3427} "areablockTwo:1.content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3428} "areablockTwo:1.discoverBtn" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link 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Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3356} "areablockTwo:3.divColor1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3355} "areablockTwo:3.divColor2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3354} "areablockTwo:3.divColor3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3353} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3352} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3407} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3406} "areablockTwo:3.exploreMore3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3405} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3404} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3403} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3402} "areablockTwo:3.mainTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3344} "areablockTwo:3.pillarSecondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3345} "areablockTwo:3.pillarTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3346} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3412} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3413} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3414} "areablockTwo:3.subTitle3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3415} "areablockTwo:4.content0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3416} "areablockTwo:4.content1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3420} "areablockTwo:4.content2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3417} "areablockTwo:4.content3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3400} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3399} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3398} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3397} "areablockTwo:4.timelineSwiper3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3396} "areablockTwo:4.timelineTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3395} "areablockTwo:4.timelineYears" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3394} "areablockTwo:4.years0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3393} "areablockTwo:4.years1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3392} "areablockTwo:4.years2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3391} "areablockTwo:4.years3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3390} "areablockTwo:5.content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3389} "areablockTwo:5.discoverProducts" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3388} "areablockTwo:5.leftBottom" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3387} "areablockTwo:5.mainTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3386} "areablockTwo:5.rightTop" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3385} "areablockTwo:5.subTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3384} "areablockTwo:6.brandStaticImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3383} "areablockTwo:6.brandStaticImage1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3382} "areablockTwo:6.brandTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3381} "areablockTwo:6.linkImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3380} "areablockTwo:6.linkImage1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3379} "areablockTwo:6.Number" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3378} "areablockTwo:7.moreNews" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3377} "areablockTwo:7.secondTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3376} "areablockTwo:7.title" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3375} "areablockTwo:8.accordionBgImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3374} "areablockTwo:8.accordionCount1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Select {#3373} "areablockTwo:8.accordionImage0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#3372} "areablockTwo:8.accordionTitle0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3371} "areablockTwo:8.addressContent0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3370} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3369} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0:1.telephoneLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3368} "areablockTwo:8.contentblock0:3.telephoneLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3057} "areablockTwo:8.culinaryContent" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#3118} "areablockTwo:8.getInTouch0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3312} "areablockTwo:8.Heading0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3330} "areablockTwo:8.smallTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3329} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3643} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText1" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3846} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText2" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#3892} "areablockTwo:4.showMoreText3" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4073} ] : null : null : null : true : null : false : null : [] : null : "ar" : "" : null } } |
Sub Requests 2
DefaultController :: NavigationSocialIconAction (token = 1d1511)
Key | Value |
_controller | "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" |
_editmode | false |
_event_controller | App\Controller\DefaultController {#2528 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2529 …} } |
_format | "html" |
_locale | "en" |
_pimcore_context | "default" |
_stopwatch_token | "850848" |
contentDocument | Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#2589 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722348025 #path: "/en/includes/" #properties: [ "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2491 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "4" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "footer" : "4" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2496 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "language" : "en" : "text" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2497 #dao: null #name: "navDataLinks" #data: "7" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navDataLinks" : "7" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2498 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2499 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } ] #id: 5 #creationDate: 1713512324 #modificationDate: 1722348025 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "socialIcon" #index: 1 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" #template: null #editables: [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2658 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock" #realName: "footerLinkSocialBlock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] #current: 0 : [ "limit" => 1000000 ] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : "footerLinkSocialBlock" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} : false : false : null : [ "1" "4" "3" "2" ] : 0 } "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2656 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:1.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => " <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2670 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:2.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet 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"footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:3.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#2637 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" #realName: "footerSocialLink" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 5 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] : [] : null : null : "footerLinkSocialBlock:4.footerSocialLink" : "footerSocialLink" : 5 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2283} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "<svg width="25" height="24" viewbox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.9104 2.25H22.2197L14.9916 10.5094L23.4947 21.75H16.8385L11.6213 14.9344L5.65879 21.75H2.34473L10.0744 12.9141L1.92285 2.25H8.74785L13.4588 8.47969L18.9104 2.25ZM17.7479 19.7719H19.5807L7.74941 4.125H5.78066L17.7479 19.7719Z" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"/> </svg>" "path" => "" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &12 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &12 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] 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null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2499 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 5 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 5 : true : true } ] #id: 5 #creationDate: 1713512324 #modificationDate: 1722348025 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "socialIcon" #index: 1 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationSocialIconAction" #template: null #editables: [ "footerLinkSocialBlock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#2658 #dao: null 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DefaultController :: NavigationDataLinkAction (token = 459839)
Key | Value |
_controller | "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationDataLinkAction" |
_editmode | false |
_event_controller | App\Controller\DefaultController {#2528 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2529 …} } |
_format | "html" |
_locale | "en" |
_pimcore_context | "default" |
_stopwatch_token | "3a1d80" |
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{#2917 #dao: null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 7 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2916 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 7 : true : true } ] #id: 7 #creationDate: 1713516104 #modificationDate: 1721812944 #versionCount: 13 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "dataLinks" #index: 2 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationDataLinkAction" #template: null #editables: [ "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3126 #dao: null 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=> "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 43 ] : [] : null : null : "navDataLinks:2.navLinks" : "navLinks" : 7 : Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2671} : false : false : null : [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Privacy Policy & Cookies" "path" => "/en/privacy-policy" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 43 ] } "navDataLinks:3.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3117 #dao: null #config: [] #label: null #dialogDescription: null #name: "navDataLinks:3.navLinks" #realName: "navLinks" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#2671} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Terms 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"navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2918} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2917} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2916} ] : 7 : 1713516104 : 1721812944 : 13 : 2 : null : 2 : 3 : null : false : [] : null : "snippet" : "dataLinks" : 2 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationDataLinkAction" : null : [ "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3126} "navDataLinks:1.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3124} "navDataLinks:2.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3119} "navDataLinks:3.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3117} ] : null : null : null : true : null : null : null : [] : null } |
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null #name: "navigation_root" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "navigation_root" : "2" : "document" : "document" : null : 7 : true : true } "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2916 #dao: null #name: "social_icons" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7 #inheritable: true #inherited: true : "social_icons" : "5" : "document" : "document" : null : 7 : true : true } ] #id: 7 #creationDate: 1713516104 #modificationDate: 1721812944 #versionCount: 13 #userOwner: 2 #locked: null #userModification: 2 #parentId: 3 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #dirtyFields: [] -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "dataLinks" #index: 2 #published: true #children: [] #siblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationDataLinkAction" #template: null #editables: [ "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3126 #dao: null #config: [ 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=> Pimcore\Model\Property {#2918} "navigation_root" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2917} "social_icons" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2916} ] : 7 : 1713516104 : 1721812944 : 13 : 2 : null : 2 : 3 : null : false : [] : null : "snippet" : "dataLinks" : 2 : true : [] : [] : "App\Controller\DefaultController::NavigationDataLinkAction" : null : [ "navDataLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#3126} "navDataLinks:1.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3124} "navDataLinks:2.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3119} "navDataLinks:3.navLinks" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#3117} ] : null : null : null : true : null : null : null : [] : null } |